Contact Information

Contact Information
3275 Pine Ridge Road
Naples, FL 34109
Sports CLUB Phone: (239) 566-2582
The Sports CLUB Center

Currently, we are busing children from:
- Big Cypress Elementary
- Calusa Park Elementary
- Collier Charter Academy
- First Baptist Academy
- Lake Park Elementary
- Laurel Oak Elementary
- Mason Classical Academy
- Naples Classical Academy
- Seagate Elementary
- Veterans Memorial Elementary
Meet The Director

SCC Calendar 2024-25
Fees for The Sports CLUB Center
- Registration
- $40/ Per Family
- Non-Refundable
- Daily/Weekly
- $12/ $60 for the week
- Per Child
- Early Release
- $20/ Daily
- Per Child
- Full Day Camp
- $35/ Daily
- Per Child
Acceptable Payment Methods:
Credit Card on File
(Cash/Checks not accepted)
**$2 fee with use of Credit Card for totals under $9/$3 fee for totals that range from $10-$99/ $5 fee for totals $100 and over**
The declined payment fee is $35 for non-sufficient funds. The parent or legal guardian will be required to provide compensation in full (money order or cashier’s check only) prior to the child attending further.
Late Pick-up Policy
$1 per minute will be charged for late pick-up. Late
pick-up fee must be paid in cash.
Enrollment for The Sports CLUB Center
To enroll your child for The Sports CLUB Center after-school program, please complete the following enrollment forms and turn them in at least one day prior to your child starting.
A Typical Day at The Sports CLUB Center
Sports CLUB begins as soon as your child is picked up at their school by our staff. Sports CLUB counselors on our buses/vans have an attendance list indicating which students have been signed up for our program. Children who are on our attendance list and sent to our pick up line are checked in and brought to the Sports CLUB Center.
Upon arrival at the Sports CLUB Center, children are instructed to place their backpacks on designated shelves and are then sent to free play and snack time. All children must wash their hands before snack. Sports CLUB provides one snack per day per child. Around 3:45, after the final bus arrives and all children have had snack, our daily rotations begin!
After-school children are divided into three age groups: K-1, 2-3 and 4^. Within these groups, they are presented with various rotation choices every 45 minutes. Activity schedules are made daily to ensure that all children get a variety of options throughout the week. We are constantly striving to make their after-school experience as fun as possible and the Sports CLUB Center has a lot to offer; children have access to our enormous playground, an updated game zone room, a brand new computer lab, an indoor hardcourt for a wide variety of games, a grassy field for outdoor sports, a covered pavilion with a basketball court and scooters, jump shot game and designated areas for group games, legos and arts and crafts (to name a few).
Monday-Thursday, the first rotation choice of the day always includes homework. If you would like to ensure that your child chooses homework as their first daily rotation, please inform the front desk at pick up. While Sports Club is unable to tutor your child, we do provide a quiet homework environment with necessary supplies and will do our best to answer their homework questions.
How does my child get to the Sports CLUB after-school program?
As a parent, you need to contact the front office of your child’s school to request a change in transportation to Sports CLUB. At dismissal, your child’s teacher will take your child to a Sports CLUB designated area. Your child will check in with a Sports CLUB staff member when they arrive. It is not Sports CLUB’s responsibility to get your child on the vehicle. Staff members are not allowed on campus, so it is solely up to the parent to notify the school to walk the child down to the Sports CLUB vehicle.
Where and what time can I pick up my child?
For pick up, please bring a photo ID every day to the Sports CLUB check-out location. Please contact your child’s individual site for exact location of Sports CLUB check-out. The times for pick up can be any time between 3:15 and 6:30 pm.
Does my child need to attend every day?
Change In Enrollment/Withdrawal
Change in program participation or program withdrawal requires written notification by email to: [email protected] by the MONDAY of each week for the following week. All modifications will be accepted in the form of an email documentation to [email protected]. Verbal notification will not be accepted.
No Refunds. Credit for prepayment in advance will not be credited for absenteeism UNLESS the prepaid credit is for health reasons ONLY. If a student is absent for two or more days for health reasons, validated by a doctor’s note within that current week, then the prepayment for a full week shall be converted to payment for a partial week and the remaining funds shall be rolled over into the next week as a credit.
How does payment work?
Sports CLUB follows this policy concerning custody: To avoid confusion, the parent or legal guardian who enrolls the child into the Sports CLUB program is responsible to provide the weekly fees based on the child’s enrollment. Sports CLUB will not participate in custody disagreements between parents.
Tuition is broken down by full week and partial week at the CCPS locations and shall be paid as such. Sports CLUB is not a drop-in program. All tuition must be paid in advance by FRIDAY of each week prior to services being rendered the following week. Tuition is expected based on the student’s enrollment and will be billed weekly to the student’s account accordingly. Sports CLUB will not participate in custody disagreements. Therefore, the parent or legal guardian that enrolls the child for Sports CLUB’s services is responsible for weekly tuition.
Payments may be made by:
- Credit Card on File: This will include a service fee of $2.00 for charges under $100.00 and a service fee of $3.00 for charges $100.00 and over. This service fee will be charged in addition to each transaction with the use of the credit card on file. If a credit card payment is dishonored by the banking institution for any reason, Sports CLUB will not reprocess. There will be a $35 charge for declined payments. The parent or legal guardian will be required to provide compensation in full (money order or cashier’s check only) prior to the child attending further.
The declined payment fee is $35 for non-sufficient funds. The parent or legal guardian will be required to provide compensation in full (money order or cashier’s check only) prior to the child attending further.
What are some of the specific activities?
Our daily activities program includes but is not limited to the following: arts and crafts, baseball, cheerleading, dance, floor hockey, football, free play activities, homework assistance, kickball, lacrosse, ping pong, scooter games, soccer, tumbling, and volleyball. We also have various special events throughout the year. Children are encouraged to make positive choices for themselves by selecting an assortment of activities each day that provides both physical and mental benefits.
What if we need after-care but our child does not enjoy sports?
One of the best things about Sports CLUB is that we truly are “All About Choices.” If your child does not wish to participate in a sport rotation, then they are able to choose another rotation that better suits them. Sports CLUB also offers a variety of activities including: arts and crafts, board games, dance, indoor and outdoor group games.
What if I cannot afford after-school care but want my child to attend Sports CLUB?
Sports CLUB is a participant in the Early Learning Coalition of Southwest Florida. Please contact their offices directly for more information.
What is the organizations staffing policy?
All Sports CLUB staff members are state and federal background checked prior to employment as well as child care facility training through the Department of Children and Families. Sport CLUB also requires each staff member to attend yearly in-service trainings including first aid and CPR courses. Although the State of Florida requires a staff to child ratio of 25:1, Sports CLUB strives to maintain well above the minimum by maintaining a 18:1 ratio.